New Regulations to Implement PAYT Systems (R16)

R - Format This deliverable will be prepared as a written report in English, downloadable through the Waste4Think website. The new PAYT municipal regulation, to be prepared in the framework of the project, will be included in both the official languages of the pilot sites and English. A specific web page including the hyperlinks to all relevant external websites about economic instruments case studies will be also prepared. Short description Across EU there are many economic instruments already implemented to promote high recycling and waste prevention. This report will include an inventory of the best practices, with a particular focus on Pay As You Throw (PAYT) schemes, i.e. those schemes addressing directly the single citizens. Objectives The main objectives are: ● to show how behavioural change and attitude towards recycling and waste prevention can be boosted by using economic instruments ● to highlight the most viable solutions according to the local boundary conditions, with specific reference to the 4 pilots ● to identify new innovative indicators to be used in PAYT schemes ● a specific objective is to introduce PAYT for all citizens of Seveso, Zamudio and Cascais, whose new regulation will be presented in this deliverable. Content and methodology The deliverable will be constantly updated according to the specific milestones of the project. It will include these sections: ● Proposal for the definition of specific PAYT schemes on the pilots sites (Task 5.3) The 3 municipalities relying on road containers, and currently experiencing low recycling rates (Halandri (GR), Cascais (PT), Zamudio (ES) will participate in this common task in order to capitalize from the existing best practices database. The 3 pilots will adopt the new regulation introducing the PAYT scheme, which will be published as an annex to the deliverable (in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and English). So, 3 proposals of PAYT will be reported by Milestone 3 andthe executive regulations should be updated by Milestone 4. Targets Local authorities, Regional and National governments, Enterprises involved in waste collection monitoring for PAYT, Environmental associations, Citizens. Tasks involved This Delivery is the output of Tasks T5.1, T5.2 and T5.3 Other tasks involved: All task in WP1, T2.4, T2.5 and T4.5 Relation with other deliverables D1.1-D1.7, D2.1, D2.5, D2.7, D2.9, D5.1 and D5.2