Implementation of Citizen Science Solutions of R13, R14 and R15

R - Format Report, written in English and with parts available in Spanish and Greek, with the methodology followed to design and to carry out the citizen science activities of the project. Short description Taking advantage of the stage editors of the serious games, realistic scenarios of the waste management of a city will be made and presented to the participant. Then, citizen will look for solutions for a better management of the city in a co-creation fashion. Finally, the best solution found will be presented to the relevant authorities to be taken into consideration. Objectives ● Present the methodology followed to prepare the citizen science activities ● Set the challenges to present to the citizens ● Summarize the main results of the activities Content and methodology This deliverable will include: ● A written report with an explanation of the challenges (at least 2 for every pilot) to be introduced in the serious games and the methodology to carry out the citizen science activities. This should be made for Milestone 2. ● Technical documentation (including user manual) and implementation of the stage editor and the actual implementation of the challenges described in the previous document. This should be made for Milestone 3. Please note that the technical documentation will only be made in English except for the user’s manual that will be translated. ● Report of the actions carried out (call for participation in the contests, dissemination activities at schools and universities to promote the participation on this citizen science activity, dissemination actions to involve citizen, etc.). This should be made for Milestone 4. ● Report with the results of the actions carried out. In particular, this deliverable will contain the group that got the prizes at the contests, the best solutions found for every challenge and a comparative assessment of the solutions found by humans and by machines. This should be made for Milestone 5. Targets Participant in the Citizen Science Activities, General Public, Academia, Local Authorities, Waste Managers. Tasks involved All task in WP1, T4.1-T4.3 Relation with other deliverables D1.1-D1.3, D4.1-D4.9