Set ambitious goals for biodiversity and sustainability


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Authors: Dìaz S, Zafra-Calvo N, Purvis A, Verburg PH, Obura D, Leadley P, Chaplin-Kramer R, De Meester L, Dulloo E, Martìn-Lopez B, Shaw MR, Visconti P, Broadgate W, Bruford MW, Burgess ND, Cavender-Bares J, F DeClerck, JM Fernández-Palacios, LA Garibaldi, SLL Hill, F Isbell, CK Khoury, CB Krug, J Liu, M Maron, PJK McGowan, HM Pereira, V Reyes-García, J Rocha, C Rondinini, L Shannon, YJ Shin, PVR Snelg

Journal title: Science

Journal publisher: AAAS

Published year: 2020

DOI identifier: 10.1126/science.abe1530

ISSN: 1095-9203