Maps on biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics

The deliverable constitutes a selection of GSME management relevant maps based on spatial data collated by WP1 and generated by UCPH form the data in Deliverable 5.1. TAWIRI and ILRI will appoint GIS competent staff to collate and join existing spatial data to produce maps of relevant biophysical and socioeconomic information for GSME based on data identified and collated by WP1. Potential maps include spatial data on soil characteristics, precipitation, vegetation, administrative boundaries, land tenure, land use, infrastructure, human population density, poverty, health, education, and livestock depending on available data identified and obtained by WP1. UCPH will produce maps reflecting total household income and environmental reliance based on relevant variables calculated from the household survey contained in the database constituting Deliverable 5.1. UCPH and ILRI will combine the maps into a report describing the metadata underlying the collection of maps collated and produced as an output of AfricanBioServices. The spatial data will subsequently be presented in a GIS web facility set up by RUG enabling visual interpretation of spatial patterns to facilitate decision making and planning (not part of this deliverable).