The deliverable constitutes a working paper report containing an outcome of task 5.3 applying field economic experiments to evaluate household demand for selected environmental goods and options for reducing this demand.
UCPH will design field economic experiments (e.g. choice experiments) to assess the own and cross-price elasticity of demand for bushmeat as an example of one illegally extracted natural resources with high conservation implications. The evaluation will focus on how demand for bushmeat respond to price changes and changes in the price of substitutes (depending on aspects outside the control of WP5). The overall aim is to reveal how households’ may best be encouraged to reduce demand for bushmeat and chose substitutes that are less detrimental to conservation objectives and thereby decrease the contribution of household consumption as a driver of illegal hunting causing depletion of wildlife in the GSME. UCPH, ILRI and TAWIRI will conduct focus-group discussions with community members in selected villages and interviews with local and national key-informants to inform the design of survey instruments and subsequently pilot test draft survey tools. UCPH will select attributes of choices and determine the levels of these in the design of the final survey tools based on this information. UCPH, ILRI and TAWIRI will implement the survey covering a sub-sample of the households interviewed in task 5.1. The data will be included in the database constituting Deliverable 5.1. UCPH will analyse the data and estimate models predicting own and cross-price elasticities of demand including socioeconomic covariates. Results will be presented in a working paper report constituting Deliverable 5.6.
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