The deliverable constitutes a report synthesising the insights of several independent studies carried out under AfricanBioServices (task 5.2). These include evaluating experience with selected environmental management policies, the role of different institutions in environmental management, the role of resource degradation as a driver of conflicts all providing information and recommendations for improved policy development.
SUA will appoint senior staff responsible for combining and synthesise the output of individual studies carried out at SUA and NTNU under task 2. Studies can include review of experience with wildlife management policies in Tanzania and Kenya and how the political trajectories in these two countries have affected policy design (SUA), testing theories of environmental resource scarcity as a driver of violent conflicts and evaluation of the role of different institutions in settelement of natural resource disputes (NTNU). Subjects included in the synthesis report depend on the output of these studies.
SUA will combine studies produced by researchers at the mentioned consortium partner institutions as well as evidence based on other studies through litterture review and synthesise the results of this into one coherent report constituting Deliverable 5.5. The synthesis will aim to identify weak aspects of policies as well as good institutional practice in transparency, accountability, and participation that may promote or hinder the contribution of ecosystem services to poverty alleviation objectives by determining people’s access to ecosystem services and barriers that operate at both the macro and micro level (depending on the output of the mentioned studies). SUA will develop recommendations for policy development and selection of management strategies that support poverty alleviation and ensure sustainable environmental governance.
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