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Authors: Allison A. Wing, Catherine L. Stauffer, Tobias Becker, Kevin A. Reed, Min‐Seop Ahn, Nathan P. Arnold, Sandrine Bony, Mark Branson, George H. Bryan, Jean‐Pierre Chaboureau, Stephan R. De Roode, Kulkarni Gayatri, Cathy Hohenegger, I‐Kuan Hu, Fredrik Jansson, Todd R. Jones, Marat Khairoutdinov, Daehyun Kim, Zane K. Martin, Shuhei Matsugishi, Brian Medeiros, Hiroaki Miura, Yumin Moon, Sebastian
Journal title: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
Journal number: 12/9
Journal publisher: American Geophysical Union
Published year: 2020
DOI identifier: 10.1029/2020ms002138
ISSN: 1942-2466