Completed inventory database

Task 1.2. Map information on waste collection systems throughout Europe for three waste streams [M4-M10] Task leader: BiPRO; contributors: ACR+, ZWE, WF, EUR. The COLLECTORS consortium has identified 252 waste collection systems in 28 Member States. In the first step of this task, additional information sources (EU, national, and local level) will be identified. Within this step available information on identified collection systems, performance of the collection systems and relevant stakeholders on national, regional and municipal level including administrative bodies, Ministries, PROs, municipalities, association and NGOs is gathered. Simultaneously the project team will conduct a literature research (i.e. recent scientific articles and presentations at conferences on examples of collection systems in EU, publications on pilot studies, web-based search for examples from municipalities/regional level) to identify further collection systems that were not included in the first step. Further a screening Waste Management Plans at national/regional level and interviews with key stakeholders from the public and private sector (e.g. authorities or waste collectors, including municipal officers responsible for waste) will lead to further examples of waste collection schemes. The approach to be followed is to collect all relevant information in a searchable data-base to make everything easily assessable. Firstly, all relevant information available in the literature per collection system will be filled into the database. Then additional information obtained from the stakeholders will be added via input from COLLECTORs members e.g. via EUROCITIES waste working group on wastes, sending around the draft mapping results for additions and commenting and targeted interviews. Stakeholders from the public and private sectors will be involved to obtain most of the information available on the collection systems, e.g. to verify information and close info/data gaps on costs. In addition involved stakeholders are important in order to get first-hand information about necessary framework conditions, financial, knowledge and time capacities for implementation of a collection system and the acceptance of a scheme. It is also important trying to collect information on past and current challenges/problems and possibly solutions that helped overcome them. BiPRO has great expertise in conducting such interviews and including/verifying the gathered information in a template/data base. The information on waste collection systems will be disclosed via a web-based platform that helps decision-makers to find systems that are in line with their needs. The platform will be integrated in the COLLECTORS-website and will be made available on M11 (see task 5.4).