European Hackathon

With a European Hackathon organized as a side event of a FIWARE Summit we want to create a 24hour competition to stimulate innovation and create new tools by ITprofessionals with in the FIWARE community companies and Universities The challenge of this Hackathon the data which can be used and lessons learned will be available on a specific page on the SCORE water website In consultation with the FIWARE community FIWARE tools and a FIWARE Lab will be used for this Hackathon We want to attract the target audience for this Hackathon through the network of SCORE water and the FIWARE community which participate at the Summit itself or online The goal is 6 teams who will participate at the Summit hopefully to receive 2 new tools which can be worked out A jury existing of SCOREwater and FIWARE members will judge the different tools SCORE water wants to activate a city to create the winning tool so that it can be used in that city After that this tool will be available for other European cities Output of task 72