Integration of existing ICT modules in the SCOREwater platform

The existing Amersfoort Open Data Platform will be integrated in and updated to the SCOREwater platform. We will connect existing ICT-systems and data solutions to the SCOREwater Platform (e.g. HydroNET, used by the majority of Dutch water managers). This deliverable will use the input from tasks in from WP3, like the architectural guidelines, standards and Data Market. The result of this deliverable will be: 1- An integrated data management platform (SCOREwater platform) to support the demonstration projects that incorporates the existing open data platform 2- A connection from the SCOREwater platform to internal systems and data sources in the City of Amersfoort 3- A connection from the SCOREwater platform to data sources and information products from 3rd parties like HydroNET 4- A integration of sensors and data streams into the SCOREwater platform to support the demonstrations projects The results of this deliverable provide input for tasks 5.1, 5.3, 6.1, 8.3 and 8.6.