Website (open access)

The Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (D&EP) is developed and continuously updated throughout the project. It includes: • Publishable Results. This section oversees the preparation of a range of project publications as planned in WP1 to WP10. The texts may be freely disseminated by the project partners throughout Europe. • Overview of the Results Exploitation and Use Potential. A table is created detailing each identifiable project result. The overview plan is regularly reviewed by the ‘Exploitation Manager’ who ensures a balanced overall D&EP. • Innovation related activities. This section details the exploitation activities to be undertaken within task 10.2 (see task 10.2 for an overview of the innovation and exploitation activities). • Activities engaging with the public. This section focuses on spreading awareness and knowledge through activities for engaging audiences in related sectors (articles, webpages, conferences, etc.), and explores how the consortium may engage in existing platforms and activities that directly engage with the public.