Thematic paper on “Options for a common asylum system (harmonisation – regionalisation – externalisation)”

Based on task 2.3, a thematic paper is prepared shedding light on key features of the CEAS and generating results for further work on scenarios under WP 7. The paper analyses three options of a “common European asylum system”, representing the most dominant current streams of a potential future: a) ‘harmonised’, b) ‘regionalised’, and c) ‘externalised’. It discusses the options along considerations on the institutional set up of the CEAS and examines the gradual and increased proposed shift of asylum policy making from the national to the EU-level, and its perception by policy-makers and stakeholders, thus looking into: a) Nationalised European Asylum System, b) a shared (EU+ Member States’) Asylum System, and c) a centralised EU asylum system (e.g. EASO++).