Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Action Plan (CDEAP)

WP 10 will start by drafting a CDEAP to be presented and discussed during the kick-off meeting and shared in its final version few weeks after it. The CDEAP will describe a strategy to create and ensure external visibility to the project, disseminate products and exploit results. The plan will include a detailed analysis of the expected impacts among the different audiences (see Section 2.2), with the aim to target them through different modalities of communication and dissemination. Firstly, the CDEAP will describe the communication strategies that EU IDEA will implement in its outreach to all the EU and national institutions and stakeholders concerned. Secondly, among the project’s audiences, the CDEAP will identify specific networks or groups of people to reach. The CDEAP will specify timing, products, and channels for the dissemination of any deliverable of the project. Thirdly, the CDEAP will assign and coordinate the activities that each partner institution might be able to launch and conduct to suppo