Project website

The website will be operational by month 2, and this task will involve regularly updating the site during the course of the project. It will provide updates on progress and results from all the WPs, as well as downloadable digital brochures, press releases and infographics will be available on the website. Importantly, the website is not intended to be a passive repository of information but used actively as a knowledge-management tool. In particular, it is intended to engage academics, policymakers and practitioners in the sharing of knowledge on Cohesion policy, communication and citizens’ identification with the EU. For example, in the communication field, it will provide a platform for sharing resources on communication best practice (e.g. evaluations, studies, guidelines, narratives, case studies, communication tools, training activities). This would progressively build up a database of resources in a structured manner covering activity type, objectives, duration, target group, outcomes/impact, added value, challenges overcome and lessons learned. The database of communication evaluations/studies would cover the type of evaluation, scope, methods used, results, challenges, lessons and recommendations for increasing civic appreciation. The project website will incorporate the survey platforms specified in WP3 and WP4.