Evaluation and case study report

Throughout the WP we will evaluate the experiments and link practice to research. The focus will be on understanding barriers and drivers of cross-sector and transnational collaboration, processes for engaging uusual suspets ad poesses fo salig. We ill oie a atio leaig appoah ith a opaatie case study approach across all participating local centres by: Baseline network mapping, policy analysis and stakeholder interviews in each case study area; Collaborative identification of success indicators and outcomes to measure; Observations and interviews at each stage of the co-creation and development process; Case studies of social innovations selected for the innovation development process; Convening cross-seto atio leaig sets to feed ack into the ongoing process and evaluation. We will also act as a bridge to WPs Research, Learning, and Engagement and Dissemination by a) widely disseminating experimentation results, b) identifying the research needs of innovators and encouraging EU and gloal eseahes esposes, ad haellig WP ‘eseah outoes to loal “I patitioes.