Ethical guidelines

The Project Leader will provide guidelines to the WP Managers for assisting them in managing and monitoring ethical issues throughout the duration of the project. It will be assisted in this by ethics expert advisors. The quality management will ensure that the ethical guidelines are implemented along the project's milestones. It will cover: The pojets ethial paties, esuig that the ethial paties set foth i this poposal ae folloed. This will include ensuring that proper procedures are followed with regards to: working with vulnerable users; explaining voluntary participation and right to withdraw to stakeholders involved in the project; providing information about the project and specific studies to stakeholders; obtaining informed consent; secure data storage, access and disposal of data; data confidentiality and participant anonymity; and dissemination of data. All potential ethical issues which may arise; All ethical issues which may arise through discussion with the Advisory Board, PEB, PSG and stakeholders; Any gender issues which arise during the project and oversee the promotion of gender equality in the project.