SIC Research Landscape Report

This task aims to understand and give an overview of SI research, initiatives and actors in Europe and beyond. We will engage the consortia of current and recent research projects like SI-DRIVE, TEPSIE, TRANSIT, SIMPACT, CASI, ILINC, EUWIN and members of research networks like EMES and ESSI and seek to host breakout sessions during their project and network meetings to share the concept and potential of SIC, identify further actors and networks relevant for the community and, identify specific opportunities for involvement in SIC events. These sessions will also be used to identify and discuss (a) transversal research questions and topics; (b) methodologies, with a focus on transdisciplinarity (linking to the methods used in WP Experimentation); and (c) reseahes specific interests to draw up a social innovation research map. We will also make use of digital technologies as part of this mapping exercise to create simple and engaging visualisations. The latter will identify emerging research trends, interests and capacities, and identify gaps and priorities for future research. Results will inform WP Learning (T4.1 SI Learning Principles and Processes) in terms of the new knowledge, skills and competences needed to diffuse a new SI culture.