SIC Learning Materials Repository integrated in SIC Online Platform and fully developed

The task has two aims: first, to take stock and catalogue case studies, toolkits, digital resources, articles and books, and other resources on SI developed in previous projects in an open-access repository; second, to continuously collect new contributions from associate partners, networks and stakeholders. The first objective will entail a process of selection of SI learning materials on the basis of the following criteria: quality (in terms of clarity, effectiveness and novelty); availability (open access); languages (accessibility by different audience); audience (policymakers, activists, intermediaries, entrepreneurs, trainers). The second objective will comprise the design of three interactive learning paths: Experimentation, Policy, and Research. Learning paths are the dynamic components of the SIC learning repository. Learning paths will be designed in response to networks learning needs (T4.2) and combine materials and results from WPs Experimentation, Policy, and Research. Learning paths will support cross-sectorial learning and policy uptake and sharing knowledge between policy, practice and research. The repository will be integrated into the SIC digital platform.