Launch event

We will organise a broad range of events during the term of the project. Events are a key part of network development as they enable partners to interact personally which enhances the online interactions that subsequently take place. Additionally, events are an opportunity to engage new parties. Some events will be standalone events, others will be collaborations between WPs, and others will connect to events organised outside of the SIC project. Events will be spread evenly across all parts of Europe, in particular in regions where SIC is not well represented in order to help bring new people into the network. We will work across all WPs and networks to coordinate all events and activities organised within WPs. We will also connect existing events, either hosting them alongside or in collaboration, similar to the SI Live 2014 model in Lisbon, which brought together four EU funded projects, TRANSITION, BENISI, TEPSIE and SI-DRIVE. We will also ensure SIC has workshops as part of other existing events, and use the opportunity to create Social Innovation road-shows. We will also coordinate at least 2 events where all of the networks that are part of the SIC project come together. This will include the following: Launch festival – this 2.5 day event will be a celebration of social innovation across Europe, and of the EUfunded social innovation projects which have already ended. It will also help set the agenda for the project and begin to establish connections and collaboration between WPs. It will also communicate the key activities of the project to people not (yet) involved in the project. Final event/launch of future event – to keep momentum towards the end of the project and plan for how the community will continue in a sustainable way (see WP Strategy and Impact Measurement). This event will not be framed as a final event, rather it will be a future looking event, kicking off the project which succeeds SIC.