Report on SIC Learning Principles and Processes

The report will focus on what learning means for researchers, social innovators, citizens and policymakers in SI and how it is fostered in institutional/top down environments (universities, schools, public agencies and organisations) and in non-institutional/bottom-up contexts (intermediaries, facilitators, makers). By analysing how different types and leels of leaig elate to ho soial ioatio atos sole soial poles o halleges ad sale-up local solutions the task will offer insights on how learning works in several SI contexts: (a) in SI incubators and accelerators across Europe; (b) in SI cases; and (c) in the SI ecosystem. These efforts will be connected with on-going EU FP7-funded research projects (SI DRIVE, TRANSIT, BENISI, TRANSITION, SIMPACT and CRESSI). Together with WP Strategy Development and Impact Measurement, and WP Research, this task will assess what works and what does not in terms of learning principles, processes and contents. Results will be directly used for setting up T4.3 (Summer School), and T4.4 (Social Learning Workshops).