"Updates and summarizes the international state of the art in information and communication technologies that are relevant to the project, e.g. data dashboards, cockpits, chatbots, as well as technical standards and conventions. Focus will be put on GIS visualisation and spatial analysis. For this, the task leader TUW, together
with other technological partners, will research and collect existing solutions of potential interest for MICADO, and assess them in regards to their applicability in the project. TUW will also check conversion options for GIS usage and elaborate on ways to implement data that is not available in a spatial-related format yet. First drafts for spatial visualisation of this data will also be covered within this task, and a suggestion for the spatial data structure will be worked out. TUW will show the relevance of visualization and simulation tools regarding the sustainable handling of migration and integration issues and challenges. The task serves to bring the MICADO partnership on par with and create a basic understanding of the available technologies. Results will be compiled into an overview ""ICT Solutions for MICADO""."
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