Dissemination and exploitation landscape: short updates on opportunities for exploitation, new and relevant work by partners

The consortium will constantly screen for and harness dissemination and exploitation opportunities. This will be continuously updated in the DCE plan, including assembling, expanding and updating our list of stakeholders and interest from NSIs in EU countries (also non-participating countries) in joining workshops, policy briefs or data processing activities. A Dissemination and exploitation plan will be developed at the beginning of the project and discussed with the PO and other stakeholders in the kick off meeting. This also includes the planning of dissemination and exploitation activities. We will address stakeholder groups that could be users of our metrics, performance and impact assessment approaches (EC, funding agencies, etc.) in the form of policy briefs and back-to-back meetings with statistical gatherings. We will involve them at strategic points in the project: • Assessing users’ needs through stakeholder questionnaire survey (M5) and small workshop oriented to the statistical community (M7). • Workshop on scenarios for the implementation of new indicators and methods in the European Statistical System (M24) • Presentations and Policy brief D7.8 on policy designs in intangible assets and innovation policy (M24) as a back-to-back meeting (NTTS2019/21 series)