Open Research Data Repository

The project will participate in the pilot on Open Research Data. We summarize below how the Consortium plans to manage the data it collects during the project. The data collection in the project centres on the empirical parameterization in WP6. The parameterization will depend four different datasets: i) A public/private R&D patent panel dataset differentiated by countries and technologies; data will be gathered from PATSTAT and national R&D statistics. ii) A matched German CIS-Fraunhofer panel dataset iii) The European CIS datasets iv) A matched US defence patents R&D dataset The aim of this project is to devise fully parameterized DSGE models as described in WP1-WP6. To facilitate the impact and the uptake of the project results and to promote them for policy use/evaluation we follow the following principles: • Data availability and public disclosure inline with privacy concerns of the data providor • Teaching and training of external users and scientists based on the original data • Maximum transparency by providing codes used for statistical analyses and macroeconometric modelling As concerns data availability, unless specific confidentiality requirements prevent it, we will make all data gathered in the course of this project publicly available. The consortium will hold the rights on dataset 1 and 4 as these data will be assembled by the consortium partners based on public sources. These data will be made available on the project website. The rights on dataset 3 are held by Eurostat and this dataset is already generally available for research purposes through Eurostat. The contract data in dataset 2 belongs to the Fraunhofer Society is confidential. However, the resulting estimates of the core parameters in WP6 will be made publicly available. With respect to the training activities, we will further use the datasets within the planned summer school and the training workshop. Participants will therefore get access to the original data used within the course of the project. For these workshops we will also seek permission from the legal representatives of the Fraunhofer Society to use a strictly micro-anonymised version of dataset 2. Although this data cannot be shared physically, ZEW is a nationally recognized centre for research data. ZEW has extensive experience in protection of sensible data and anonymity. Access to the confidential data might be enabled for remote desktop access to allow the participants to work on the Fraunhofer data without comprising anonymity. In order to increase transparency, we will make the software codes (STATA, R, Gauss, MATLAB, Dynare) used for the analyses performed during the project publicly available on the website and through a suitable software repository, for example GITHUB. Knowledge Management: All the Deliverables from the project, will, of course, be freely available on the project website after approval by the Commission. Whenever possible we will try to ensure that the scientific papers are also freely available. This will not present any difficulty at the pre-publication stage, since the partners will make FRAME discussion papers and working papers freely available on the web. When possible we will try to publish these papers in open access journals, thus ensuring “gold” open access, but we can envisage situations in which this will not be feasible. For these papers we will ensure “green” open access by archiving the published version of the paper in a suitable open access repository after any embargo period imposed by the publisher of the journal. Management of Intellectual Property: The partners all have significant previous experience in the field. This knowledge will be utilised to produce new and important information and results which the Consortium will aim to share as widely as possible. IPR and its management will be detailed in the Consortium Agreement, specifically with regards to the dissemination and use of knowledge and granting of acces