First research workshop, midterm policy conference, voxEU column

The project will disseminate its midterm findings to a broader audience through a workshop, a policy conference, an online video, and a column on VoxEU. A summary report on the conference will be produced. VoxEU: The research team will also be encouraged to publish their results on, CEPR's policy portal, which promotes the dissemination of research-based policy analysis and commentary by leading economists. The site receives about 250,000 hits per month, and has become the premier economic policy portal in Europe. Whilst it is of course hard to predict that number of downloads that a future column will receive, a 2013 column on ‘Technology and income dynamics: 1800-2000’ by Diego Comin and Martí Mestieri received almost 26,000 reads. We would expect a similar number of ‘hits’ for columns produced by members of the FRAME research team. Multimedia – audio and video podcasts: The project will take advantage of the experience of both CEPR and ZEW in using streaming audio and video podcasts to communicate research findings in a very convenient and user friendly fashion. In recent years CEPR has been pushing forward on promoting audio-visual content for the CEPR and VoxEU websites. If done properly, this is an extremely effective way to reach large numbers of numbers of people with interesting and varied content that is targeted directly at people's interests. CEPR has developed a close relationship with a production company which specialises in producing high quality interviews and short films about economic issues. An example of this is a conference organised in collaboration with the Brevan Howard Centre for Financial Analysis at Imperial College London and the Swiss National Bank, which brought together academics, practitioners and policymakers to discuss the relevance of a zero lower bound theory and the realities of an effective lower bound. The resulting interviews have received over 8000 views. In the context of the FRAME project we envisage filming a number of interviews with both academics and policy-makers at one or more of the project's workshops and conferences. These interviews will then be posted on the CEPR and Vox websites, and on the project website, and an announcement will be mailed to the FRAME and CEPR mailing list so as to ensure as widespread dissemination as possible. In addition, FRAME will use ZEW’s YouTube channel.