Policy Paper on regional comparative perspective

Policy paper coordinated by FIIA with contributions from CIDOB and IAI on the lessons and challenges for differentiation in Europe which can be drawn on the basis of the experience of three other regional organizations MERCOSUR the African Union AU and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN The paper analyzes how differentiation is applied in these three regional organizations and how it ties in with different policy fields and issue areas heterogeneity of membership and views on sovereignty for example Specifically the paper addresses a threefold research question First does differentiation lead to fragmentation and even disintegration or does it on the other hand prevent crises manage asymmetries and render the decisionmaking process smoother In other words does it lead to centrifugal or centripetal dynamics in the institution in question Second what are the ramifications of differentiated integration for accountability and political legitimacy of the regional organization Third what is the impact of differentiation on cooperation both internally and externally with other countries or regions Drawing on the three case studies the paper will result in a deepened understanding of differentiation in other regions in the world and its conclusions and lessons learnt will allow for the drawing of policy recommendations for the EU