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Authors: Esmé Eggink; Melanie Hafdi; Marieke P. Hoevenaar-Blom; Manshu Song; Manshu Song; Sandrine Andrieu; Linda E Barnes; Cindy Birck; Rachael L Brooks; Nicola Coley; Elizabeth Ford; Jean Georges; Abraham van der Groep; Willem A. van Gool; Ron Handels; Ron Handels; Haifeng Hou; Haifeng Hou; Dong Li; Hongmei Liu; Jihui Lyu; Harm W.J. van Marwijk; Mark van der Meijden; Yixuan Niu; Shanu Sadhwani; Wenzhi W
Journal title: VOLUME=11;ISSUE=6;ISSN=2044-6055;TITLE=BMJ open
Journal number: 03178471
Journal publisher: BMJ open
Published year: 2021
DOI identifier: 10.17863/cam.71477
ISSN: 0317-8471