Exploitation strategy ver. 1

A specific exploitation strategy for the full projects lifetime will be designed in the first 6 months including yearly operational plans detailing precisely the procedure for using ENCHANTs results The strategy will be updated in M14 and M24 The strategy will include 1 a refined stakeholder and market analysis for the projects outcomes key messages towards stakeholders audiences and target groups selection of toolschannels and measures communication and dissemination strategies and activities management of exploitation and standard operating procedures for publications participation in conferences and exploitation The strategy for the exploitation of results will support the consortiums joint efforts to maximize the projectsimpact but also business plans for individual partners Additionally to the conclusions in forms of policy recommendations and proposals for actions which are the direct outputs of the ENCHANT the followingare some of potential pathways for exploiting the projects results1 Scientific publications under the green or golden open access scheme2 Continued management and exploitation of the projects data3 Action plans for municipalities and regions involved in energy efficiency strategies4 Data on user preferences and energy efficiency strategies for utilities and other commercial agents in the energy field5 Methodologies for citizen participation in the planning and implementation of energy efficiency measures