Toward a more transparent and explainable conflict resolution algorithm for air traffic controllers


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Authors: Christophe Hurter , Augustin Degas , Arnaud Guibert , Nicolas Durand , Mir Riyanul Islam, Shaibal Barua, Hamidur Rahman, Daniele Ruscio , Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shahina Begum, Stefano Bonelli , Giulia Cartocci , Gianluca Di Flumeri , Gianluca Borghini , Fabio Babiloni , Pietro Aricò

Journal title: Conference of the European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP22)

Journal number: 23521457

Journal publisher: Elsevier

Published year: 2022

DOI identifier: 10.5281/zenodo.7148652

ISSN: 2352-1457