Editing a book: New statistical measures of intangible assets and their policy implications on growth

Book Editing New statistical measures of intangible assets policy implications on growthThe book is offered for publication in Cambridge University Press or Oxford University Press and includes an introduction chapter by editors Hannu Piekkola and Carter Bloch and covers the following deliverablesD21 Survey on challenges of new growth productivity puzzle in the face of different IAs relevant in supply and demand sideD35 Survey on demographic changes and productivity growth intended as book sectionD46 Scenarios for the implementation of new indicators and methods in the European Statistical SystemD63 The validation of IC and production function estimates of productivity of ICs to obtain new performancebased valuation of intangibles intended as book chapterD710 Book sectionacademic article on gender and age productivitywage gaps in innovationtype workD71 Global perspective on innovation value chains and related industrial policy intended as book chapterD81 Intangible assets in the public sector an extended definition and methodological guideD88 Policy Brief on policy designs in intangible assets and innovation policy extended version intended as book chapter