Physical business and investment brokerage events

Physical business and investment brokerage events. Three physical international brokerage, matchmaking and networking events will be organised in M10, M22 and at the end of the project in M40 (to coincide with the consortium meetings (Task 7.1)). These events, lasting 1 day, will involve the participation of experts and problem owners from the advisory board identified and engaged through VIDA, with a particular focus on SMEs. The objective of events 1 and 2 will be to support the implementation and use of the innovation vouchers (Task 4.3), while event 3 will be more focused on ensuring the sustainability of the collaboration resulting from VIDA in the long-term (after the project’s completion). Invited experts and organisations will gain up-to-date and topical insights and practical examples of challenges and opportunities for innovation throughout the food chain in line with our thematic priorities (Task 1.1).