Mapping the Evidence of the Effects of Environmental Factors on the Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Non-Built Environment: Protocol for a Systematic Evidence Map.


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Authors: Gardner, B.; Betson, M.; Cabal Rosel, A.; Caniça, M.; Chambers, M. A.; Contadini, F. M.; Gonzalez Villeta, L. C.; Hassan, M. M.; La Ragione, R. M.; de Menezes, A.; Messina, D.; Nichols, G.; Olivença, D. V.; Phalkey, R.; Prada, J. M.; Ruppitsch, W.; Santorelli, L. A.; Selemetas, N.; Tharmakulasingam, M.; M. van Vliet, A. H.; Woegerbauer, M.; Deza-Cruz, I.; Lo Iacono, G.

Journal title: Environment international

Journal publisher: elsevier

Published year: 2023

DOI identifier: 10.1016/j.envint.2022.107707

ISSN: 1873-6750