Data management and validation plan final

Data management and validation plan final To facilitate the obligation to make research data available within 30 days following guidelines for H2020 projects working on COVID19 available at httpseuYh49yCProtection of personal data1 The consortium must ensure that the following is addressed in the Data Management Plana detailed information on the specific data protection informed consent procedures in regard to data processing must be provided prior to the start of the research activity raising ethics issue in case this is not addressed in the informed consent procedures for human participantsb the consortium must confirm that the specific data protection informed consent forms and information sheets in language and terms intelligible to the participants are kept on file in case this is not addressed in the informed consent procedures for human participants They must be provided to IMI JU upon request2 Details on the data which will be collected during the phone call at Day 28 within Clinical Study 1 CT p 6 must be provided