Project brochure, posters, roll-up, and infographics (first version)

Throughout the duration of SMART2B several printed electronic and audiovisual material including relevant infographics will be produced aiming at reaching a variety of stakeholders and the wider public SMART2Bs visual identity will be developed at the beginning of the project M3 to allow the production of promotion material such as project leaflet project poster and roll up Content input for the promotion material and dissemination will be provided by all the partners while D1 will coordinate the creation polishing printing and production of promotion material At least 3 promotional videos will be produced to effectively disseminate SMART2B activities and results Moreover project brochures posters pop up stands will be also designed and created within T82 to ensure SMART2Bs visibility into the researchers initiatives as well as to get feedback on the various products developed Project brochure posters rollup and infographics first final version