Report on adapted content for handbooks: public buildings, private buildings, public lighting, transport, and cross-sectoral

Updating PROSPECT handbooks The 5 handbooks for each thematic area figure 6 will be updated to include new cases and current findings about the implementation of innovative financing schemes from both regional and local levels in Europe During Months 1 and 2 FEDARENE will conduct desk research and interviews for mapping and documenting new cases on the implementation of successful innovative financing schemes for sustainable energy projects related to the five thematic areas In Month 36 these new cases will be organised by IEECP to make them ready to be published on a dedicated webpage of PROSPECT by UPRC in Month 6 In Months 3 and 4 IEECP will edit PROSPECT handbooks in order to remove information about outdated cases and examples and to include a link to the PROSPECT webpage with the new cases The handbooks content about the financing schemes will be revised and desk study will be carried out for the inclusion of relevant information that might be lacking PROSPECT infographics that summarise key information and steps for setting up the financing schemes will also be revised and if necessary updated with new information PROSPECT will disseminate and make use of the content developed by the projects below for the following topics but not limited to these topics and projects MV measures synergies with the EnergeeWatcheu project Air quality synergies with EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK and Green City Accord and the Energy Efficiency First principle by connecting to project ENEFIRSTeu