Report on the definition of technical and functional requirements for energy innovations

The report comprises the activities undertaken in Task 32 to identify the functional requirements in terms of needs technical constraints targeted local users and communities environmental impact cost limits functionalities applicable standards expected performance operation and maintenance etc to be applied to the energy innovations deployed in the different demonstrations sites and related to the different energy domains considered namely Solar photovoltaics smart microgrids electric mobility second life EV batteries biomass to biogas waste to energy and climate proofingIn the document it will be shown the process that leads each Living Lab partner together with the project partners to a relatively precise and well described needs and requirements specification specially focused on the potential energyrelated infrastructure and equipment and systema providers and developers which is key to identifying the most technically appropriate and economically viable offers In the report it will also be included a review of the basis for system specifications as well as different standardisation bases applied in different countries and continents their applicability and differences