Assessment of the capacities of multi-level policy and governance institutions

D13 is a public report delivered in month 12 that will provide information and make an analysis of the capacities of the different policy levels and governance institutions targetedD13 will report on the streamlining of the cooperation between a wide number of policy and governance stakeholders ensuring IMPETUS framework is workable in multiple governance levels Results from T13 on the initial assessment of the role and effectiveness of local and regional RKB from a governance perspective and will provide feedback to T12 to ensure an inclusive and transparent cocreation approach with multilevel governance stakeholders able to embed multilevel governance requirements into socially relevant coherent and comprehensive climate adaptation pathways The results of the assessment D13 will be presented in a way that the specific roles of all multilevel governance actors can be easily and effectively replicated not only in the distinct biogeographical regions of Europe but also can contribute to a global implementation of strategies such as the UN SDGs and EU Policies and Strategies which form part of the Twin Transition to a Green Economy and a Digital Economy DR13 will also cover the assessment and validation of solutions demonstrated by the project in WP4 and WP5 and with WP7 will contribute to generate knowledgeexchange opportunities and training materials for addressing international interregional and intermunicipal institutional fragmentation