A molecularly engineered, broad-spectrum anti-coronavirus lectin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV infection in vivo.


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Authors: Chan JF, Oh YJ, Yuan S, Chu H, Yeung ML, Canena D, Chan CC, Poon VK, Chan CC, Zhang AJ, Cai JP, Ye ZW, Wen L, Yuen TT, Chik KK, Shuai H, Wang Y, Hou Y, Luo C, Chan WM, Qin Z, Sit KY, Au WK, Legendre M, Zhu R, Hain L, Seferovic H, Tampé R, To KK, Chan KH, Thomas DG, Klausberger M, Xu C, Moon JJ, Stadlmann J, Penninger JM, Oostenbrink C, Hinterdorfer P, Yuen KY, Markovitz DM.

Journal publisher: Cell Rep Med. 

Published year: 2022

Published pages: 2022 Oct 18;3(10):100774.

DOI identifier: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2022.100774