Tryptophan stress activates EGFR-RAS-signaling to MTORC1 and p38/MAPK to sustain translation and AHR-dependent autophagy


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Authors: Pauline Pfänder; Lucas Hensen; Patricia Razquin Navas; Marie Solvay; Mirja Tamara Prentzell; Ahmed Sadik; Alexander M. Heberle; Sophie Seifert; Leon Regin; Tobias Bausbacher; Anna-Sophia Egger; Madlen Hotze; Tobias Kipura; Bianca Berdel; Ivana Karabogdan; Luis F. Somarribas Patterson; Michele Reil; Deepak Sayeeram; Vera Peters; Jose Ramos Pittol; Ineke van ’t Land-Kuper; Teresa Börding; Saskia

Journal title: BioRxiv

Journal publisher: Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory

Published year: 2023

DOI identifier: 10.1101/2023.01.16.523931