Biofouling studies on marine rated materials and coatings


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Authors: Delgado Ollero, Adrián; Richards, Chloe; Williams, Molly; Power, Sean; Free, Louis; Bruciu Burgina, Ciprian Constantin; Gómez Álvarez, Elena; Regan, Fiona

Journal title: Delgado Ollero, Adrián ORCID: 0000-0003-0791-0720 , Richards, Chloe, Williams, Molly, Power, Sean, Free, Louis, Bruciu Burgina, Ciprian Constantin ORCID: 0000-0001-8682-9116 , Gómez Álvarez, Elena and Regan, Fiona ORCID: 0000-0002-8273-9970 (2021) Biofouling studies on marine ra

Journal number: 5

Journal publisher: ESAI: Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland 2021

Published year: 2021