D3.1. Report on linking SDG indicators with models in the TRADE4SD toolbox

D31 will provide an overview on how different SDG indicators will be covered in the quantitative modelbased analysis in WP3 The models to be applied in this WP cover trade policy instruments in full details ie specific and advalorem tariffs but also tariff rate quota TRQ with differentiated rates of tariffs within and outside the quantities of TRQs Under TRADE4SD however the standard analysis of trade policies should be more broader covering also policy instruments targeted towards SDGs Task 31 will provide an overview of current modelling of SDGs related policy instruments and indicators to measure the success or degree of progress to reach different SDGsTherefore this scoping exercise will also a identify the link between quantifiable SDGindicators and policy instruments covered in the existing models b identify the need for further model development and improvement to enable existing models for a detailed and combined analysis of trade and sustainability impact of new policy options like the Green Deal or the Farm to ForkStrategies and c enhance a modelbased assessment of resilience ie to provide a better understanding of medium to longterm consequences of agriculture in a post COVID19 world