Renewable Heating and Cooling Solutions for Buildings and Industry


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Authors: Frazzica, A.; Decorme, R.; Calderoni, M.; Cuneo, A.; Taťáková, Z.; Scoccia, R.; Jakob, U.; Carbonell, D.; Karellas, S.; Spijker, E.; Cioni, G.; Varga, S.; Mahkamov, K.; Gracia, A.D.; Zsembinszki, G.; Cabeza, L.F.; Ciccolanti, L.; Vuillerme, V.; Fabiani, C.

Journal title: Proceedings Sustainable Places Conference

Journal number: 2020, 65,

Journal publisher: The 8th Annual International Sustainable Places Conference (SP2020)

Published year: 2020

Published pages: 16

DOI identifier: 10.3390/proceedings2020065016