Summarized outcome of interviews and questionnaires

Interviews and a questionnairebased consultation will be carried out using the information from WP2 gathered within the first 12 months Each WP participant will address experts and stakeholders in their country based on their contacts from their preliminary work and activity in the vegetable sector Interviews and questionnaires will be drawn up to identify general knowledge on the applicability of new SMART approaches in various areas zones and farming systems assessment of the cost and suitability of their application by the growers Bottlenecks with focus on the technical side will be identified based on interviews and questionnaires and results will be discussed within the Strategic Innovation Board The summarised outcome will allow us to identify the most promising technologies and map their applicability in various farming systems Gaps where education information flow and training are needed will be identified and followed up in WP4 The diversity of stakeholders and endusers involved will provide wide views about SMART technologies and their application both outdoors and indoors M214