Plan for the Exploitation of Results

This deliverable will outline the medium to longterm measures to be implemented for the project achievements to be kept alive and developed where possible after the end of the project These measures will have a focus on a the work in connection to the ZEWT Partnership done by the project partners which also includes the relationship with the policy makers b the promotion and update of the data and the regional model to be used by the relevant waterborne transport stakeholders authorities policy makers etc at regional national and EU levelc the Networks activities both towards the Partnership and within their own fields of activityThe first case will focus on the use of the NEEDS data in the context of the ZEWT Partnership activities and that of all the partners more generally As the timeline of the project is partly different from that of the partnership it means that the former will benefit from some of the results of the latter not just immediately but also further in time Other ZEWTrelated activities developed by the project partners can also benefit from the NEEDS input and these will be investigated and outlined in this deliverableSecondly the data will be used in the relevant discussions with the EU and MemberStates representatives While this part will have a significant overlap with the work done in the ZEWT partnership framework there are also myriad opportunities at national and regional levels The deliverable will outline some examples in this caseLastly NEEDS will further contribute to this standing waterborne transport experts group which is foreseen to continue contributing to the different Partnership and WATERBORNE TP activities either in the context of future projects or through other activities