Data Management Plan

what data will be collected processed or generated The data will be collected from the participants of the experiments who will be university students For the first part of the experiment we will have 240 students 120 male and 120 females For the second part of the experiment we will have 180 students 90 males and 90 females We need equal number of males and females due to structure of the experiment A particular description will be given to the participants instructions there will be no deception in the experiment for that part of the experiment and they will be asked to make decisions for the experiment According to their decisions subjects will earn money ie their decisions will be incentivized Then we will collect some demographics data like gender major age etc The collected data will be anonymous we will give numbers to subjects when they enter the lab store the data obtained from them by these numbers call the subjects at the end of the experiment and pay them accordingly to these numbersfollowing what methodology and standards Before subjects enter the experiment they will sign a consent form in which it says that a subject participates into the experiment voluntarily and if a subject feels uncomfortable with any question in the experiment and wants to leave the experiment she may As methodology we will use a commonly used methodology in experimental economics literature since Niederle and Vesterlund 2007 Their methodology is used to understand gender differences for tournament entry Different than the studies following NV2007 in here participants will be almost sure about their own and their competitors abilities With the known ability they will decide how much effort they will put then their efforts will be summed up with a chance factor that will be drawn either from a large interval or from a narrow interval with subjects either know how it will be drawn or they do not know There will be six parts in the experiment In the first part all subjects will be paid according to the piecerate performance scheme ie each subjects final performance will be multiplied by 2 In the second part subjects will be grouped into four 2male 2female and they will be paid according to the tournament compensation scheme if the subjects final performance is the highest in their group 2 men 2 women subjects performance will be multiplied by 8 In the third part subjects will choose to be paid between piece rate and tournament If they choose the tournament their final performance in the third stage will be compared to their group members final performances in part 2 If the former is higher than the latter the subjects performance will be multiplied by 8 In the fourth part I will ask subjects beliefs about their ranks in the first and second parts The ones who correctly guess their ranks will be paid a certain amount In the fifth part I will elicit subjects risk aversion by using Holt and Laury 2002 In the last part I will elicit subjects ambiguity aversion by using a similar method to Dimmock et al 2016 In the first part of the project I plan to have 4 treatments In both dimensions I will change from which interval the chance factor is drawn In uncertainty treatment subjects will know that one number will be drawn according to uniform distribution ie for treatment 1 one number from 10 to 10 will be drawn randomly Again in the ambiguity treatment subjects will know that a number will be drawn from 10 to 10 but they do not know how it will be drawn In all treatments subjects are sure about both their own skills and others skills so there should not be more entry due to overconfidence However subjects entry decisions may be affected by risk perceptions in Treatments 1 and 2 Since Treatment 2 has more risk than Treatment 1 I expect females to enter tournaments less in Treatment 2 than in Tr