Report on the 1st stand-alone teaching events (curricula + research results)

All partners will engage in organising and implementing 3 standalone teaching events that contribute to codesigncoevaluation exchange and sharing of the research practice and results conducted in WP4 The events are open to master and PhD students from UPOLIS UBGEF and POLITO Each event will host up to 20 students of which 50 will be from the hosting institution The guest institutions will bring 5 students and 2 researchers each The length of each event is 2 weeks in the form of summerwinter schools planned tentatively for M11 M23 and M34 The first event will take place at POLITO the second one at UBGEF and the third one at UPOLIS The teaching staff will be researchers from the 5 partner institutions External keynotes may be engaged at no project cost Students will be selected in advance open call and the events will enable researchers to produce and exchange knowledge on green transitionThis deliverable is about the 1st event taking place in POLITO