Report on WB green transition conceptualisation

The core research question centres around the impacts and costs of the just green transition in WB and is unravelled into subquestions and key concepts to give way to research methods and instruments to be used The very first of these subquestions is about conceptualising green transition in the WB and how it compares to the conceptualisation in the EU and beyond The Green Agenda for WB already provides the strategic direction for the transition but the steps to implement it are to be tailored to the territorial societal and institutional context and account for their impacts Most WB transition efforts are currently noted in the field of energy where some of the major obstacles lie but less so in climate change biodiversity circular economy etc The conceptualisation will be done in the first 6 months of the implementation and by M7 the project will deliver a draftreport which will be further discussed and validated with the RAB at its first meeting