Quality, Usability, and Effectiveness of mHealth Apps and the Role of Artificial Intelligence: Current Scenario and Challenges


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Authors: Alejandro Deniz-Garcia; Himar Fabelo; Antonio J Rodriguez-Almeida; Garlene Zamora-Zamorano; Maria Castro-Fernandez; Maria del Pino Alberiche Ruano; Terje Solvoll; Conceição Granja; Thomas Roger Schopf; Gustavo M Callico; Cristina Soguero-Ruiz; Ana M Wägner; WARIFA Consortium

Journal title: Journal of Medical Internet Research

Journal number: v.25; 2023

Journal publisher: Journal of medical Internet Research

Published year: 2023

DOI identifier: 10.2196/44030

ISSN: 1438-8871