Task 64 Approval procedure of framework revision M36M44The last step 4 involves the smaller expert panel from Step 2 and the project consortium Participants will be asked to review the revised draft Using the feedback from this round a final revision of the paper will be prepared Quantitative statistical analysis in the Delphi rounds of the ratings on the fivepoint Likert scales will include percentages and median values as indicators of agreement on the fivepoint scales as well as variances and interquartile ranges IQRs as indicators of consensus with a low variance of responses and an IQR 1 showing high consensus Thresholds and definitions of consensus are based on values used in previous studies Confidentiality and privacy will be assured at all times to the participants Information on privacy protection the estimated length of time of the survey the investigators and the purpose of the study will be provided in the invitation email as well as on the first page of the online survey The respondents emails and retrieved data from the survey will be stored in the password protected computers of the principal investigatorsIn the revision of the paper those statements that do not reach consensus will be revised in accordance with the comments of the participants However the writing group may decide to keep statements even if formal consensus is not achieved but this lack of full consensus will be marked in the final publication The final draft will be submitted for open access publication in a scientific journal
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