The deliverable will outline a marine instrumentation roadmap of available technology for oceanography stakeholders (e.g. industry, policymakers, researchers). It will be a ten-year open access roadmap for marine instrumentation presenting information from industrial companies, universities and research centers including the name of the sensor/instrument, the application area or type of technology, maturity level (TRL) and information about its ongoing or planned commercialization. The roadmap will build on H2020 AtlantOS project, and information from EurOcean’s infobase - Marine Knowledge Gate 3.0 (H2020 Common Sense project) and results from NeXOS project and following the general community recommendations on FAIR data (Toste et al. 2019).A final version of the roadmap building on the roadmap developed in M24 will be included in the final version of the NAUTILOS Exploitation Strategy.
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