Research data will be managed mainly by myself with the support of Dr. Ablain. Inserm, one of CRCL’s head institutions, has implemented a secure electronic notebook system that we will use on a daily basis to record experimental details, report results and keep track of my progress on each task of the experimental plan. The data will be available to Dr. Ablain and access to all or part of it will be granted to other people involved in the project (collaborators, core facility personnel, members of the Ablain team) in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) of data acquisition, management and reporting. In addition, if some of the data (especially from task 1.2) may lead to the development of products (e.g. small molecule inhibitors or blocking antibodies) or therapeutic applications against melanoma or other cancers, we will take protection measures and evaluate the opportunity to file patents with the help of Inserm Transfert, an office dedicated to the translation of findings from basic research into commercial products or clinical applications. Moreover, we will make our scRNA-seq data on human melanoma available on public data repositories such as GEO as soon as it is processed.
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